Monday, December 8, 2008


I picked a pretty easy first blog to blogger about - Free*Style. Creamy Cooljoke is founder and creator of one of the most popular freebie information groups in Second Life. However, don't let the fact that I am a member (as both a freebie hunter and gifter) make you think I'm going to rave all over F*S like a drooling fangurl. While it is a blog-site that I subscribe to and check on a daily (and sometimes several times a day) basis, I can't say that I'm 100% gaga about it all the time.

F*S has several writers/reviewers on staff. Rarely does a day go by that the blog isn't added to by one of more of them. They highlight their personal favorite finds of the day with fun and funky pix. My biggest complaint about the F*S blog is that I constantly have to reach for my updated copy of the official 'net-speek dictionary. The reviews are frequently chock through with a proliferation of verbiage that leaves me scratching my cranium in consternation. Okay, I'll admit it - I'm a middle-aged mom who prefers to use words known to the general masses. While I can let the likes of "kewt" and "Fankyoo" slide on by because of the, well, "kewtness" factor, some of the other . . . descriptors leave me, shall we say, perplexed, befuddled and, downright confuzzled. ;> That doesn't take into consideration the assorted misspellings. I don't even try to expect full and complete sentences, let along proper grammar or sentence structure. Then again, I am all to often guilty of loose grammar infractions, but I get to blame my dyslexia for them. Hahaha.

My other concern is the lack of consideration for, well, mom's who might have a little tike on their knee or kidlet lurking over their shoulder. Too much blue, ladies (and gents). I'd prefer to see less "f-words" and body parts altogether, but then I'm an admitted card carrying prude! LOL! Okay, barring demanding people all follow my rules and regs, I'd really appreciate a disclaimer before the review starts that mature content is included. Seeing the F-bomb in the title of the write-up isn't my idea of a warning, either! :P

A little side note regarding the Free*Style group itself. First, I appreciate that Creamy had the foresight (or experience) to create a separate group for chat. Sure it adds to the limited number of groups we can belong to (shakes fist at Linden Labs for being sooooooo lazy), but you are not stuck in a chatty group if you don't want to be. Me, I like chatter and often have 2 or 3 groups chatting it up on my screen at the same time.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

You Asked for It and Here It Is!

Here it is indeed! I will attempt the potentially impossible - keeping you updated on your favorite freebie and fashion blogs for Second Life. If you'd like to see your favorite fashion blog (be you fan or owner) highlighted here, just send me a notecard in game (Fionne Burleigh) and I'll check it out. I will normally be highlighting and reviewing the more popular ones, but I'm game to check out the unique or new blogs out there as well. There are currently three catagories for blogs - freebie, general or designer (please see Da Rulz below for specifics). However, they all must be fashion related.

A running list of blogs will be kept on the side so you'll not only have quick and easy access, but will be able to tell when the last update to the blog was made. There will be blogs available for you male types, as well (although they tend to update their posts less often, thus limiting their review/highlight potential).

Although I expect to find most of the fashions and accessories I'll be reviewing off the very blogs I'll be highlighting (naturally), I welcome designers and creators to directly drop me copies of items being offered for consideration, as well. Because my shoppe in Second Life specializes in helping new players, I'm mostly interested in reviewing items (fashion, hair, skin, shoes and accessories) that cost 0L or 1L, however I'll consider prices up to 10L for great deals.

Now, here's where this blog will be a little different than many of them out there - I will be very honest in my reviews of blogs or items offered. If you are a designer or blog owner and don't like what I have to say, please address any disagreement with me directly (in a reasonable, adult manner). I will not tolerate a running debate in Comments on this site. Just know that I will be equally honest about any reviews I make on fashions, skins, hair and accessories offered in SL.
Da Rulz:

All submissions (whether blog or design) have to be fashion related - clothing, shoes, accessories, hair, skin, nails, lashes, etc.
  • If you want to submit a blog for addition (and possible revew) to SL Fashions Bloggerer, all you need to do is send me a notecard ingame with the blog name and url. Be sure to title the notecard Bloggerer Blog Addition - (Name of Blog) so it doesn't get lost. Please indicate if it is a freebie blog (like Free*Style) a general fashion blog (like Vain Inc) or a designer's blog (Like Simone!).

  • If you are a designer wanting to submit an item for review on this blog, please send me a folder titled Bloggerer Designer Review - (Shop Name Here). Inside the folder, please include the item(s) you would like to have considered for review on SLFB, an LM to the location ingame where then item is offered and a notecard with any details you'd like noted for the review (item name, time frame available, lucky chair only, group only item, etc.). Include the price of the item which must be between 0L and 10L (preferably 0L or 1L).